PROPERTY OWNER LIABILITY — Senate Bill 2901 , called the "Landowners Protection Act," says that anyone who owns, leases, operates, or maintains a commercial property in Mississippi will not be liable for any injury on the property caused by another person, unless the person in charge of the property did something that "impelled" the harmful action. Supporters say the new law will provide financial protection for property owners or managers, while critics say it could lead to negligence.
Tuesday, September 17, 2024
The topic of generative AI encompasses so much of our lives today. We’re going to focus on how it affects our legal practices. And we’ll learn what “generative AI “ means. To help us, we’re pleased to welcome attorney Molly Walker from Bradley.In Current events - Sample ballots are ready for the national election. You can see yours from the Secretary of State’s website. They’ve got a handy way to reach the website: ballot applications are available now. Absentee voting starts Monday. If you think you’ll be away from your home county on November 5th, you can vote early. Check with your county’s Circuit Clerk’s Office.With the election soon, you can’t vote if you’re not registered! Last week County Election Commissioners met to purge rolls in Mandatory Voter Roll Maintenance. You can check to see if you’re registered by going to the Secretary of State’s website. You can reach out to your county’s Circuit Clerk’s Office of you need a voter registration application mailed to you. But you must be registered by October 7th to vote November 5th.Former In Legal Terms host Rita Brent is presenting: "Rhythm, Blues, & Ballots" A spirited night of LIVE music, political insight, and fellowship! Friday, 9/27, at Johnny T's in Jackson, MS. Panel discussion with community leaders about the upcoming election and other important voting matters starts at 6:30 p.m. Doors open at 7:30 p.m. for the LIVE concert starting at 8:00 p.m. Voter registration will be available on-site
Tuesday, September 10, 2024
The Mississippi Center for Justice is about advancing racial and economic justice. We could take a week to talk about everything they do there, but we’ve only got President and CEO Vangela Wade for the next hour to learn about their work and upcoming events.The Mississippi Center for Justice opened its doors in 2003 with a simple mission: dismantling the policies that keep Mississippi at the bottom of nearly every indicator of human well-being. If you’d like to help with that – consider registering to vote. You can print off a voter registration application from the Secretary of State’s website or maybe ask your county’s circuit clerk’s office to mail you an application.The MS Center for Justice - They’re some busy folks! There’s a Health Law – lunch and learn in Indianola next week in addition to a Fair Housing and Expungement Education event in Gulfport. The 3rd week of October holds a Small Farmer’s Conference, a Social Justice Empowerment Brunch, the Champions of Justice Signature Event. and the Great Mississippi Road Trip scheduled. We haven’t even made it out of the month. There are more events on their calendar with many more months of events taking place.Their website has ways to donate, their social media links, events, and ways to “join their fight”. for the Legacy Leadership podcast of MPB Think Radio's Money TalksPast podcasts with MS Center for Justice staff:05/07/24 Robert McDuff MCJ10/17/23 Champions of Justice - MCJ 08/01/23 Expungements 03/14/23 Loans05/24/22 MCJ Heirs' Property01/25/22 Educational Rights11/09/21 Heirs' Property Help01/12/21 Asylum and Immigration
Tuesday, September 3, 2024
I love a good theme show – today is “personal injury after Labor Day”. Mississippi is a state that wants to protect life. What happens if there's an injury during labor. We’ll talk about that with attorney Baskin Jones.If you’re in need of an attorney for personal injury, divorce, intellectual property, or whatever – try looking through the Lawyer Directory and the For the Public sections of The Mississippi Bar’s website: show is about you and your rights. If you or a loved one will be away from your home county on November 5th – our national election day – you still have the right to vote. If you’re in the military or living overseas, you can still vote also. Find out more by visiting the Secretary of State’s website or calling your county circuit clerk. Absentee ballot applications are available Monday. Voting starts Monday the 23rd of September 2024.We’ve been grateful that attorney Baskin Jones has partnered with us a few times. If you’re interested in the topic of personal injury look for our In Legal Terms podcasts from April 2nd of 2024 and October 10th and April 11th of 2023.
Tuesday, August 27, 2024
MPB Think Radio has been talking about “education” on many of our shows this month. Today, we’re learning about the Right of Students with attorney McKenna Rainey from ACLU – Mississippi.The Mississippi Secretary of State’s Office has a great website about voting. If you need to register to vote you can print off a form, or just call and ask your county clerk to mail you a form. If you’re interested in helping to register folks to vote, there’s a tool kit online with all the details.If you’re interested in Student Rights you’re probably interested in Education. There so much to read and learn about helping students on MPB’s learning page and on the MS Department of Education’s website.I love a good handout to remind me of what I’ve learned. ACLU Mississippi has a Student manual on rights that can be downloaded. There are also their webpages on rights for youth and LGBTQ students. Donations are also accepted on that website.
Tuesday, August 20, 2024
Whether you’re at a PTA meeting, City Council meeting, or watching our legislature at work, you’ll notice the Parliamentary Procedure that’s used. These rules exists to facilitate the transaction of business and to promote cooperation and harmony. But it can be a foreign language or a dance you don’t know the steps. To help us out we’ve got attorney Mary Largent Purvis, Director of Legal Analysis and Communication at Mississippi College School of Law.Delta State University has a cheat sheet you can download to learn about Robert’s Rules of Order. And Project Guttenberg, an online library of free eBooks, is offering a link to download a free digital version of the updated original book by Henry M. Robert.The National Council of State Legislatures has an online set of classes for elected officials to help them learn parliamentary procedures. recently published an opinion article that suggests college students would be better advocates for promoting world peace if they learn parliamentary procedures and employed Talking and listening, rather than shouting down other views.Mississippi doesn’t have the technology for online voter registration. And if you don’t have a computer and printer at your house, you can just call your county courthouse, and they can mail you a voter registration form. Be sure to register by October 7th to vote in our next general election. The secretary of state’s website
Tuesday, August 13, 2024
Mississippi Volunteer Lawyers Project helps individuals represent themselves in court through self-representation clinics. They are able to do this with help from volunteer lawyers. We learn more about the MVLP from their Executive Director and General Counsel, Gayla Carpenter-Sanders.If you need a little bit of help with a legal matter that can be handled without an attorney, you might want to attend one of the Mississippi Volunteer Lawyers Projects Self Representation Clinics. There are clinics that discuss: Irreconcilable Differences Divorces, Uncontested Guardianships, Advance Healthcare Directives, Power of Attorneys, Simple Wills, Misdemeanor Expungements, Felony Expungements, and Foreclosure Prevention.The Mississippi Volunteer Lawyers Project has many opportunities for attorneys, law students, college students and paralegals with a willingness to serve. Folks Volunteer at legal clinics, there are attorney resources, and Continuing Legal Education opportunities. M V L has the details.Mississippi Volunteer Lawyers Project relies on the generosity of donors to help connect low-income clients with volunteer attorneys who will fight for their rights. That might be by large or small contributions or by selecting MVLP as a Community Rewards Program recipient from Kroger or Amazon. M V L has more information.Past podcasts:07/26/2022 In Legal Terms: MVLP 20223/30/2021 In Legal Terms: MVLP9/24/2019 In Legal Terms: Expungements
Tuesday, August 6, 2024
It’s Education Week on MPB Think Radio. For In Legal Terms, we’ve brought on the Deans for the two law schools in our state: John Anderson from Mississippi College and Fred Slabach from the University of Mississippi. We hope to learn about the differences between the two schools, what prospective students need to know, and what one can do with a law degree.Law School Admission CouncilComplete 2 Compete (C2C) is a statewide initiative designed to inspire Mississippi's adults to complete their college degrees.Get2College is a college access program of the Woodward Hines Education Foundation. We help you plan, prepare, and pay for college. Free support for Mississippi students and educators.It’s not too soon to get registered to vote. Educate yourself! The Secretary of State’s website has so much information. Register by October 7th, 2024. All votes matter. Learn your rights. Learn if you’re eligible to vote absentee. Learn what you need to bring to the polls.We’ll all be voting on law makers soon. You can learn from a non-partisan group – The League of Women Voters - about who’s running and where you can get more information about candidates, voting, and how to be a poll worker. Their website is In Legal Terms has had representatives of the League of Women Voters on a couple of times. Voting with LWV-MS 09/26/23 and League of Women Voters 01/15/19Who are our legislatures in our state? You can educate yourself by going to the website and checking out your senator and representative, what various committees are up to, and take a virtual tour of the building.