35+ Simple Job Bio Data Formats PDF & Word (Free Download)

HR Cabin

The Biodata form is a job application template that should contain the candidate’s name, photograph, education, work experience, contact details, and personal information such as the father’s name, gender, nationality marital status, etc.

If you are a fresher then no experience details are required.

Biodata formats are required to apply for the bob. A good biodata form draws the attention of the recruiters. A simple and effective biodata form will do the job for you.

What is the Biodata Format

Biodata format is the simple version of the resume. It summarizes all your educational, personal, and professional information. You can make your biodata format in MS Word or Google Docs.

Here are the 5 Important Sections of the Biodata Format

  1. Personal Information: This includes your name, gender, father’s name, nationality, religion, marital status, and contact information like mobile number, email ID and address.
  2. Educational Qualification: This includes a summary of your education in chronological order, i.e., from higher to lower education. You can mention the course, institution name, and marks obtained.
  3. Work Experience: Here you can specify your current and previous work experience details like your designation, organization’s name, and roles & responsibilities.
  4. Photograph: A recent passport-size photograph should be affixed on the biodata format.
  5. Contact information: A biodata format must include the candidate’s mobile number and email ID for communication.

Here you can download simple blank biodata formats in Word & PDF formats which you can use to apply for any job.

Job Biodata Format – 1

Job biodata format in Word & PDF

Job Biodata Format – 2

Job biodata format word and PDF

Job Biodata Format – 3

Simple job biodata format in Word and PDF

Job Biodata Format – 4

Simple job biodata format word and PDF

Job Biodata Format – 5

Simple job biodata format Word & PDF

Job Biodata Format – 6

Best job biodata format word and PDF

Job Biodata Format – 7

Job biodata format in Word and PDF

Job Biodata Format – 8

Job biodata format download word and PDF

Job Biodata Format – 9

Job biodata format in English PDF & Word

Job Biodata Format – 10

Biodata format for job vacancy free download

Job Biodata Format – 11

New job biodata format in Word & PDF

Job Biodata Format – 12

Biodata format in Word & PDF

Job Biodata Format – 13

Format of job <a href=biodata in MS Word and PDF" width="688" height="1024" />

Job Biodata Format – 14

Job Biodata Form in MS Word & PDF

Job Biodata Format – 15

Job biodata Word & PDF Forms

Job Biodata Format – 16

Simple job biodata in Word and PDF

Job Biodata Format – 17

Blank job biodata PDF and Word

Job Biodata Format – 18

Job biodata form word and PDF

Job Biodata Format – 19

Biodata word and PDF

Job Biodata Format – 20

Job biodata form PDF and Word

Job Biodata Format – 21

Job biodata format Word PDF

Job Biodata Format – 22

Job biodata format in Word

Job Biodata Format – 23

New job biodata format PDF Word

Job Biodata Format – 24

Lates Job Biodata Format Word

Job Biodata Format – 25

Job biodata form in Word

Job Biodata Format – 26

Job Biodata in Word Free Download

Job Biodata Format – 27

Job biodata format Word and PDF free download

Job Biodata Format – 28

Job biodata format latest in Word & PDF free download

Job Biodata – 29

Job biodata in Word and PDF free download

(Download Word file for Editable Biodata)

Job Biodata – 30

Job biodata for teacher in word and PDF free download

(Download Word file for Editable Biodata)

Job Biodata – 31

Job Biodata – 32

Job Biodata format in Word and PDF free download

Job Biodata – 33

Job Biodata Format in Word free download

Job Biodata – 34 (Teacher)

Teacher job biodata format in Word and PDF free download

Job Biodata – 35

Simple editable job biodata in Word and PDF free download

Job Biodata – 36

Job biodata format download in Word format

Job Biodata – 38

Blank job biodata Word and PDF free download

Job Biodata – 39

Simple job biodata format in MS word

Why Biodata Format is Important for Jobs

Submitting biodata format is the first step in applying for any job. Based on the information provided on the biodata employers will call the candidate to the interview.

Employers receive several biodata formats every day, they do a preliminary verification of each application to know whether the candidate profile matches with the job requirements.

How to Prepare Good Bio Data Format for Job

Job biodata formats can be prepared in either MS Word or Google Docs. You can download the above free biodata formats in Word and make edits as per your requirements.

Tips to Make Good Bio Data Format

  1. A biodata format should be simple and always try to keep the biodata format to a single page. So that it becomes easy for the interviewer to read your details.
  2. Don’t use fancy fonts, which makes your biodata weird. The best fonts for the biodata format are Arial, Helvetica, Georgia, Segoe Ui, and Times New Roman.
  3. Never forget to mention your contact details on the biodata. Mobile number and email ID are a must in any biodata format. So that you will not miss any communication from the employer.

Difference Between Bio Data, Resume, and CV

In the olden days, people used the word biodata more frequently. But biodata is a shorter form of resume. It consists of your basic details like your name, dob, father’s name, gender, education, and work experience.

Whereas in the resume you. need to write elaborate details. In most cases, the biodata format should be limited to 1 page and the resume can consist of 1-3 pages.

CV means Curriculum Vitae, it is a longer form of biodata. It consists of your research works, experience details, and project works more elaborately.

When to Submit Bio-Data/Resume/ CV

BioData: You can submit biodata format when your job needs only your basic details, and whenever you don’t have time to prepare a resume, you can just take the printout of the biodata and write down your details.

Resume: A resume is widely used as an instrument to apply for jobs, whenever you have time and whenever you want to showcase your details more descriptively then you can use a resume.

CV: Curriculum Vitae can be used whenever you are applying for research-related jobs or studies and scholarships.


1. What is the format of the biodata

There is no fixed format for biodata, you can be creative in making your biodata format but always keep it simple and shorter.

2. How many pages my bio-data should be

It is better to adjust your information to fit in 1 page of biodata format. If it is not possible to adjust then you can add another page.

3. Can I send a biodata format instead of a Resume?

Yes, you can send it. It is not a problem. But if you have time to prepare a resume then it is better to make a resume for yourself.

4. Biodata vs Resume which is better to apply for jobs?

A biodata is a summary of all your details, whereas a resume consists of your detailed information. If you are highly experienced and looking for high cadre jobs then you can use a resume, if you are looking for small jobs use a biodata format.

5. Should I include career objective in the job biodata?

Not required, as job biodata format is the simplest version of the resume, you should not need to include any career objective or profile summary.

6. Should I include my photo on the job biodata?

Yes, you have to include a passport-size photo on the job biodata. You can insert it directly on MS Word or you can affix it to the biodata printout copy.

7. What are some of the best fonts to use in my job biodata?

Use fonts like Arial, Times New Roman, Helvetica, Calibri, Cambria, Georgia, Tahoma, SegoeUi, etc..

8. Is it important to include hobbies and interests in a job biodata?

It is not important, however including hobbies and interests in job bidoata is recommended for freshers.

9. What personal details should I include in my job biodata?

Include your date of birth, gender, father’s name, marital status, languages known, and address.
