Wake Pre-K Application Resources

When the application is not finalized and required eligibility documentation is missing/pending.

Sections of the application are left blank and/or there are missing documents

Sections of the application are left blank and/or there are missing documents. Applications in this status will not move to the final round or complete.

Families have submitted an application, but are missing birth certificate, proof of residence or proof of income

The application is missing a document (Birth Certificate, Proof of Income, and Proof of residence), or the document is incorrect. The application will not move on to it’s final review and completion if it’s in awaiting documents status

When the application/enrollment process cannot be finalized or when a parent/guardian has expressed that they are no longer interested in continuing the application process

Family applied however after multiple attempts to contact, the family has not responded or cannot be reached

Families that ask to be removed from the application process

Families that apply but are not residents of wake county, and/or are not age eligible

Application Status


Wake County Public Schools

Applications that still need to be submitted. If the application is not submitted, it will not be reviewed. Please complete the application, add the required documents, and sign and submit them

Wake County Smart Start

Applications that still need to be submitted. If the application is not submitted, it will not be reviewed. Please complete the application, add the required documents, and sign and submit them

Application Status


Wake County Public Schools

Families who turned in a paper or online application
***this does not mean the application is complete***

Wake County Smart Start

Families who turned in a paper or online application
***this does not mean the application is complete***

Application Status


Wake County Public Schools

All sections of the application are filled, and all required documents are correct and received

Wake County Smart Start

All sections of the application are filled, and all required documents are correct and received

Application Status


When the application is not finalized and required eligibility documentation is missing/pending.

Wake County Public Schools

Sections of the application are left blank and/or there are missing documents

Wake County Smart Start

Sections of the application are left blank and/or there are missing documents. Applications in this status will not move to the final round or complete.

Application Status


Wake County Public Schools

Families have submitted an application, but are missing birth certificate, proof of residence or proof of income

Wake County Smart Start

The application is missing a document (Birth Certificate, Proof of Income, and Proof of residence), or the document is incorrect. The application will not move on to it’s final review and completion if it’s in awaiting documents status

Application Status


When the application/enrollment process cannot be finalized or when a parent/guardian has expressed that they are no longer interested in continuing the application process

Application Status


Wake County Public Schools

Wake County Smart Start

Family applied however after multiple attempts to contact, the family has not responded or cannot be reached

Application Status


Wake County Public Schools

Wake County Smart Start

Families that ask to be removed from the application process

Application Status


Wake County Public Schools

Wake County Smart Start

Families that apply but are not residents of wake county, and/or are not age eligible