ACT Testing

All applicants for admission to the freshman class should submit scores on the American College Test (ACT). Applicants are advised to begin taking the ACT in the latter part of their junior year of high school. Scores on this test provide insight into a student’s capacity for college level work and are used to place students in the appropriate English, mathematics, and possibly science courses as detailed in the LSU Eunice Catalog. ACT scores older than five years may not be used for placement in courses or out of the developmental education program, Pathways to Success.

Registration for ACT Tests can be completed online at The regular registration deadline is approximately five weeks prior to the test, with a late registration deadline requiring an additional fee approximately three weeks prior. Test centers are located throughout the United States, including on the campus of LSU Eunice. ACT Tests are administered on at least five dates established by the testing service each year. Scores can be reported to colleges and universities if requested by the student when registering. Special testing arrangements can be made for applicants with documented disabilities.

In addition to the national tests, LSU Eunice administers a residual ACT test prior to the start of each school session. Scores on this test are intended only for students planning to begin their university studies at LSU Eunice. Prospective students who wish to take a residual ACT test should contact the LSUE Geaux Center (337-550-1208) for test dates and times. Residual test-takers will pay a $40 fee at the Business Office, located in the Science Building adjacent to Room 115, immediately prior to the test. A picture ID such as a driver’s license is required. Test-takers may use a calculator on the mathematics portion of the test.

For additional information concerning the ACT test, contact the LSUE Geaux Center at 337-550-1208 or visit the Geaux Center, located on the North side of the Dr. Anthony Mumphrey Center .

Louisiana State University Eunice
Eunice, LA 70535

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